
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Chicago diary 7/ after thoughts

     We talked to a nice, apparently French man in the hotel lobby about his Tintin shirt and he said that when I go to Belgium I can come back with as many Tintin shirts as I want! I started thinking about ALL the people Tintin has allowed me to meet so far and have something in common with and I felt like I made a good choice in comic book obsessions.
     Then we went to the Hershey's store followed by the Ghiradelli store. I preferred the smell of the Ghiradelli shop because it wasn't IN YOUR FACE sweet it was just nice and slightly chocolaty, Hershey's was REALLY sweet but smelled like baking day at Grandma's.
     Then after shopping we went to the hotel and got our things and got to the train station. The train was delayed at Kalamazoo because someone got hit by the train ahead of us. I made good use of the Harry Potter book I brought.
     Now (thank goodness!) I'm back home and got to sleep! I also go to reflect on the trip a bit. I like lists so I will make this a list.
  • I would like to start by saying, "Thank you cute boys. For just existing." Of course I say this because I'm a teenage girl and there were plenty of attractive people to look at!
  • Chicago public transportation stinks compared to Washington D.C. It almost seemed like they kept making up subway stops and stuff.
  • THANK GOODNESS for good tour guides and wait staff!
  • My bed at home is wonderful and I am very grateful for it!
  • Soft pretzels are amazing and one should never take them for granted. EVER!
  • Russian, German, French, Asian languages (I'm not sure which ones I heard), Spanish, Accented English, Sign languages, and any other language I heard this trip are BEAUTIFUL. Enjoy language, I think it adds something beautiful to the world.
  • The Carbide and Carbon building is probably the best joke ever! It's basically a giant Champaign bottle build during prohibition! Isn't that just the best thing you've heard like ever? Plus now it's the Hard Rock hotel so, yeah.
  • I don't like how many alarms there are going constantly in the city.
  • Boats are cool no matter where you are!


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