
Monday, June 30, 2014

Reasons why the Hogwarts Express is better than Amtrak

     I am currently on an Amtrak train headed back to Durand and I have decided that the Hogwarts Express is WAY better than this train. I started thinking this when the lights went out for a bit and came back on (CLEARLY Dementors work) then went out again, they are now on. Here is a list of what I've decided makes the Hogwarts Express better:
  • The trolley lady! She goes from car to car with candy, the grumpy man in the dining car just scowls at you when you order food.
  • No magic :'(
  • SERIOUS lack of cute boys (Neville, Ron, Seamus, Oliver...)
  • Too quiet! Someone should just get up and jelly legs jinx someone, that would make things much more interesting!
  • Hogwarts Express is in Scotland and has more interesting things to look at along it's path.
  • I'm not headed to the best wizarding school in the world :(
  • seats aren't all in a little compartment
  • I can't make friends with Luna or any of the others on the Amtrak
  • I'm not traveling with a trunk
  • No one is looking for a toad
  • Dementors are NOT why it is so cold in here or why the lights sometimes go out
  • I can't practice magic in front of all these muggles
  • Hogwarts Express is a steamer, steamers are cool (or hit something cool if you're the Titanic).
  • Delays on this train are not caused by Death Eaters
  • No: chocolate frogs, butterbeer, Drooble's best blowing gum *cries a bit*, liquorish wants, pumpkin pasties, Bertie Bott's every flavor beans...
  • Professor Lupin isn't here.
My list has grown longer than this but for now I will enjoy my chocolate and "my loving sisters company" (quote from Ruby who is looking over my shoulder) Hopefully the delays won't keep us much longer.

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