
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Brains AND beauty!

     I've asked a few people the question, "lab coat or bikini?" and got some very interesting answers. I asked this because although there are things like Science Olympiads and science fairs I still feel like beauty contests get more attention.
     I don't understand why the lady with a pretty smile and ability to walk in high heels gets more attention than the girl who is able to take notes and practice lab safety. Here is a link to a commercial done by the European Commission to try to promote science to girls.   
I would LOVE IT if it didn't seem so much like a cosmetics commercial!
     Girls shouldn't need makeup to think that science is wonderful, with that in mind let me introduce you to some role models that I believe could get girls interested in science.

            Rosalind Franklin: used X-rays to figure out that DNA is in the shape of a double helix.
Henrietta Leavitt: Laid out the base to gage the distance of stars

              Annie Jump Cannon: Was a BIG part in developing a system
                                                     to classify stars by temperature.                                                
Jane Goodall: studied chimpanzee behavior
Sally Ride: First American woman in space
Valentina Tereshkova: First woman in space
Mae Jemison: First African American woman in space
Francine (Penny) Patterson: Taught Koko the gorilla sign language

     This list could be so much longer but I'll leave it at that. Don't go "Where is Marie Curie?" because I feel that whenever a conversation about female scientists comes up she is the only card anyone can play. Yes Marie Curie was amazing but we need to recognize other women too.
     I cannot wait for the day when girls are finally equal to boys. When women get paid the same amount as men. When everyone is equal. Who says we have to be happy with the way things are right now? 
    I understand that science isn't for everyone and that is fantastic! If everyone liked the same stuff how boring would this world be? I just wish more girls would realize that science is more than a class to sit through. You see male nurses why not female physicists? 


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