
Thursday, July 3, 2014


     Existence has never been good enough. Human existence has never or will ever be good enough. We exist on a little blue and green speck and are the "very best" living things on it and mere existence isn't good enough for us! What the heck?
     We have created religions and rituals around the fact that we hope that we exist beyond this existence but even in this existence there is boredom. What are we going to do with another existence if we get bored with this one? Especially since most of us believe that we won't have to work in the next existence.
     Other organisms don't get bored as easily as "man kind" because they have to work to stay alive! Imagine if you couldn't go to a grocery store and shop for what ever you want to eat. What if you instead had to evolve a long neck to reach leaves or if you had to stalk and kill your prey? Sure humans still hunt for food but in general we don't have to work very hard for anything really.
     We don't have to work for much so we have all sorts of time that we can spend on creating whatever kind of shelter we want, building vast empires and reading. Reading. We have developed a system of communication that uses symbols to describe sounds that are connected to thoughts. We read. What do we read? You can read what ever you like: biographies, diaries, letters, fictional works.
     Fiction. Why must we have a different reality if we have one right in front of us? Why must we slip between the pages of a book when we could work like the other organisms? We get bored! Merely existing is not good enough for us. 
     We have created television, radio, music and so many other types of entertainment and we still get bored. Is that not the most frustrating part of human existence? The fact that human existence isn't entertaining enough for us! Doesn't that make us the greediest organisms on this pretty blue, green orb? We want more with our time than just having time to exist.
     We want more. Existence will never be good enough. I dare say it never has been for humans. Go out there and celebrate your existence.

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