
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Modern times

     When are you from? It doesn't take a madman in a blue box to ask that question. Let a teenager in a small town ask it! When are you from?
     Well I'm from a time that is following a century of unbelievable change. If you want to be all technical I am from that century. I'm from a time and place where things are still not perfect.
    We are living in a time where we don't allow people to marry just because they don't have the same sexual orientation as "The Majority". Who is "The Majority"? Why do they get any say in other people's lives?
     We are the people in charge of a time where there is disease and hunger in parts of the world while there are people who have too much money. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. That cannot be right.
    This day in age is a time where terror and war still plague some places. There are people still losing their lives over differences that will always be there. What good does the fighting do anyway? Yes, countries have gained freedom for fighting but what happens when those nations face their end? Empires end just ask any ancient Roman! Everything ends and we still feel the need to be in charge of something until that end.
     We are destroying the very Earth we depend on! We crowd out life and use the land for a zoo or parking complex. We will eventually die in our own filth, I picture this happening like in the movie WALL-E except we will still be on Earth because we were too busy being greedy to get ourselves into space.
     Someone is always better than someone else and the madness on this planet goes on and on! When will we learn to "live and let live"?  Will the sun ever shine on a world where things are as close to perfect as they can be? Perhaps this is as perfect as things will get, I hope not.
     Let us all just wait for the next IPhone to come out while we make a larger hole in the ozone layer as politicians argue over how they can make more money. If we do that why not just let things stay the way they are? It seems to be working pretty well for those people who have all the money. Why not be happy with that? Wake up and smell the pollution! Let's make a change.
  We consider ourselves so modern and that we are of the best time in history. When are you from? I'm from a time in history when we still follow rules set in place by people who are from thousands of years ago. That's when we are from, the time when we could have changed the world for better, the time mankind has been wasting on arguing over money and resources. I guess not much has ever changed. I guess we aren't so modern after all.

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