
Monday, July 7, 2014

Belgian football

     I have started taking an interest in what the rest of the world would call football. This is an exciting time to begin an interest in soccer because of the world cup and it isn't the most boring sport to watch so yay!
     After the United States lost to Belgium I knew exactly who I was cheering for and then Belgium took on Argentina. I forgot about the game until I went to check what time it started and tuned in at half time and gathered that Argentina had already scored. I was relieved when I saw that it was half time and not the end of the game but that second half was the first time I've ever gotten very excitable about any sport.
    When Kevin De Bruyne went to make a goal and missed I was almost as angry as the people in the crowd! I was yelling in my head "MR. DE BRUYNE YOU WERE SO AWESOME WHEN YOU PLAYED THE USA HOW COULD YOU MISS THAT!" Of course I've only watched two soccer games but that one really caught my interest.
     There was some point where there was a bunch of Belgians gathered around this Argentinian and the man commentating on the game was all like blah, blah, blah "A thicket of Belgian legs" and then that quote became the new best joke ever! Now those words are being thrown into any conversation that they can be thrown into.
     Belgium lost and they were showing some of the activity in the stadium and the camera caught Kevin De Bruyne (can you tell he is like the only athlete whose name I actually know?) and Mr. De Bruyne was making the saddest face! Oh my Rowling, it just about made me cry because I don't like to see people sad.  I got all sad and stuff after the game but now I've decided to support Germany and the Netherlands in the next games. I think I am wanting to support them because they are geographically close to Belgium, I think that it is unfair that Brazil has won the most and I'm mad at Argentina for beating Belgium. My reasons probably sound ridiculous but I think they are good enough to want either of those teams to win.
     Good luck Germany and the Netherlands!

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