
Sunday, July 20, 2014


    Mr. Aldrin has asked everyone who was alive then to share where they were for the moon landing, for those of us who weren't fortunate enough to watch it on a television in 1969 he has asked us to share how the Apollo missions have inspired us. He has asked us to share all of this under #Apollo45 because it's the 45th anniversary of the moon landing. So here goes my version of #Apollo45.
     The Apollo missions proved to the world that we can put men on the moon! What could be more inspiring than that? And to think they put those men on the moon with computers that my pocket calculator could run circles around! Wow! That's not even mentioning that they got some of those men home with some duct tape and quick thinking (Apollo 13).
     One of my favorite quotes is "Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon." and to me that is probably the best thing about the Apollo missions. To me the Apollo missions show that we may be only human but we can shoot for the stars and we will try. We let our curiosity get the best of us and sometimes it isn't a bad thing.
     I believe that we should teach children to keep their curiosity and imagination because they are the problem solvers and hope for the future. I want to see a world where there are no questions dodged in a classroom just because "you'll learn that later" and if it just can't be answered I would like to see kids actually looking up the answers! We need to not shut down curiosity, we need to embrace it! That is something we can learn from Apollo. The Apollo missions and everything surrounding them were interesting and inspiring.

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