
Friday, July 4, 2014

Oh my!

     Admit it! You read that in George Takei's voice, didn't you? "Oh my!" is the only thing I could think of to describe what I found with "Watch how I Soar's" page views today!
     I have finally broke 1,000 page views! Yay! It was at 900 something yesterday and with the rate things were going I thought it would be another few days to get to 1,000 views. What a wonderful surprise this Independence day!
     I was also surprised to see that I had a viewer from Ukraine. I've had a few from Germany and I think the Philippines. Of course I've got people who look at this blog in the United States of America I'm just always surprised to see when people in other countries actually clicked on my blog. It also makes me wonder how they stumbled across "Watch how I soar"!
    "Oh my Rowling!" "I just can't even." "Oh my!" Thank you all for making my day!

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