
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

On my mind

I have many irrational worries about going to Belgium in August. I'm excited but have a lot of fears that I know (or at least hope) are complete nonsense because they are very similar to how I felt going into high school. Some of my worries aren't complete nonsense but they are there.
  1. What if I don't learn quickly enough? After all I do have to learn a different language and culture.
  2. Will I adjust well to a new family?
  3. What if I completely forgot how to make friends?
  4. What if my teachers don't like me?
  5. How difficult is learning a different language by immersion really? Other people do it all the time plus I think I did well in Chinese after all I scored 114% on the final exam that means I should do pretty well right?
  6. How American do I dress?
  7. What if no one has anything in common with me?
  8. How much will I change while I'm gone?
  9. How will I handle culture shock?
  10. What about reverse culture shock?
  11. Dutch looks pretty hard and I can't roll my R's so what if they roll any R's? Can I get away with just tapping my R's like some accents get away with? Maybe I can't roll my R's because of the palatal expander.
  12. What if the other kids make fun of me? I wouldn't really be able to tell at first, of course they might talk about me but seriously!
  13. What if I accidently offend someone? I would apologies of course but I don't want to offend anyone.
I don't want anyone thinking that I'm not COMPLETELY ecstatic about this. I just wanted to share some of the thoughts that roll across my mind. OH MY ROWLING! I'M GOING TO BELGIUM!

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