
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

So. How 'bout them sports teams?

     If you have talked to me then you may have heard me say "So. How 'bout them sports teams?" This all started one day in the car and I added that to the conversation, it stuck. I annoyed many people with the over use of it and it seems to be somewhat of a catch phrase of mine. I am finally getting the answer to my question!
     The first soccer game I've ever watched was the USA at Belgium game yesterday and I got caught up in it! Like halfway through I just started paying more attention to Belgium because of Kevin De Bruyne, oh my Rowling! Momma was who pointed him out to me when she went "TINTIN PLAYS FOR BELGIUM!" I missed him and so it became a game of  find the guy who looks like Tintin. Later after we spotted De Bruyne again Momma said "I hope he's wearing sunscreen!" and I had to laugh.
      I was ECSTATIC when he scored the first goal of the game. I went on to research him a bit and am now quite fond of him! Plus I now have an athlete I can discuss with my Belgian classmates!
     I was really proud of Tim Howard for all those saves and of the new guy (I don't remember his name) for having it be the first time he touched the ball and he got a goal! CRAZY! Simply insane!
                                               SWITCHING SPORTS
     Don't even get me started on Gaelic football! That sport is just crazy! It is like speed ball but you can tackle people! I support Kerry because I don't really ever know what's actually happening in that sport and I like their colors plus they have a rich history of their area and in the sport. The only names from that team I can remember are Declan and Darren O'Sullivan and Colm Cooper. I have no Idea who is in this picture but you can see Kerry's colors. Maybe later I'll do a post explaining all the rules and such.
     So the last sport and probably the only one I could rattle off all the rules to is Muggle Quidditch or Quidditch, I'll focus on MQ. I hardly ever know what's current in MQ but I can tell you that several colleges in Michigan have teams and I try to follow the Belgian teams. It is the only sport where I know that you can say "He's a keeper." or "CATCH THAT SNITCH!" with out it meaning the same thing as it does to the rest of the world. I will probably have to do a separate post for the rules of this quirky game.
      I believe that a good way to make connections to people is to ask about sports because everyone has at least one they love, or are at least willing to listen to. Sports are something you can't get away from so, yeah. So. How 'bout them sports teams?


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