
Saturday, June 28, 2014

I'm a Ravenclaw for a reason!

        When I tell people about going to Belgium for a year a lot of their first reactions have been "Oh my goodness! You are so brave! I don't think I'm very brave at all. I am simply curious. I want to see what is there and I believe that is worth going against my fear.
           I was sorted into Ravenclaw on Pottermore. RAVENCLAW not Gryffindor or Slytherin or Hufflepuff. I'm considered clever or creative by the sorting hat. Being a Ravenclaw doesn't mean that I can't be courageous it just means that I fit "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure".
       I'm not trying to say anything bad about the other houses, in fact I was ALMOST a Gryffindor, I just want to say that there is a reason why I'm a Ravenclaw and nothing else.
       I'm proud to be a Ravenclaw and hang out in the common room with Luna and Cho. I'm proud to be in the only house who doesn't need a password or hidden door and I'm proud to be the house that produces minds like Olivander's. That's not even mentioning our Quidditch team!
        GO BLUE AND BRONZE! (or blue and silver is you've only seen the movies)

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