
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Chicago diary 5

     Today we went to the Lincoln Park Zoo and I FINALLY got a soft pretzel! Who knew a soft pretzel could make me so happy?
     There were baby gorillas and one that I called Harry Potter because he kept trying to open a ball and tried to do so with his lips. The babies were having a grand ol' time and the entire thing was quite amusing to watch. We sat on the floor across from their enclosure and people kind of glared at us as we narrated for the gorillas.
      The tiger was VERY talkative today! It was the first time I've ever heard a big cat roar. He seemed to be saying "GUYS I DON'T WANT MY PICTURE TAKEN STOP IT OFF! HEY! HEY! I SAID STOP IT!" Everyone got a kick out of that!
      I had a lime snow cone and a little girl, no older than five, came up and asked me something. She spoke a different language so all I could do was smile, nod and try to find her folks. They came a few seconds behind her and smiled at the misunderstanding this little girl and I were having. I got a kick out of the whole situation! I just wish I knew what she was saying!
    Today I also heard some French and German and some Asian languages. I could under stand some of the French and German and that made me feel very accomplished. If only I could speak more Dutch!
     It was a great day!

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