
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Chicago diary day 2

                                              (I will get pictures of the trip up eventually)
     Today we went to the Field museum and Shedds aquarium. First we went to the museum where there were all sorts of interesting things to look at but I enjoyed the aquarium more, must have had something to do with the fact that the aquarium was filled with LIVING animals some of which you could touch.
          At the museum there was the largest and most complete TREX fossil ever discovered! They called it Sue after the archaeologist but are unsure of the creature's gender. Sue would have been 9 tons during her life (they guess) and that was something to think about! I was amazed that such a slim skeleton could carry that much weight!
     The aquarium had SEA OTTERS! I'd never seen them in real life but they've been my favorite animal for a while now so I was VERY excited! They also had JELLYS! Which I was also very excited about.
   Did you know that sea otters will not sit still long enough to have their picture taken? I caught them just at the tail end of feeding time and got to see them play afterwards. I have researched them and knew they are active and curious but reading and seeing are two COMPLETELY different things! Those little guys just zip around and dive to the bottom of the exhibit and back and play and have a grand ol' time! I even got to watch them clean themselves which just made my day!
     I got to pet starfish and sting rays. Starfish feel weird, very lumpy but stingrays feel like a washed mushroom.

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