
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Circles and Triangles

     Circles and Triangles are shapes that may or may not be your favorite. An isosceles triangle is my favorite, I can't remember why.
      Circles are often said to represent forever. "A circle is round it has no end. That's how long I want to be your friend!" One could take this as an unstoppable feeling like love after all wedding rings are round. Circles can get you places, they roll and we put them on cars and trains to move and do and see. Circles can be playthings, you can make snow balls and snow men and if you try to draw those things odds are you draw a circle, you sit in a circle to play Duck, Duck Goose and you hold hands in a circle to play Ring Around The Rosie.
     Triangles are strong shapes. Triangles are used in construction. You can also use triangles to get places, just use them as a sail for a boat or a glider. There are triangle games too! The peg game you find at the Cracker Barrel on the tables.
     Both shapes could also be negative. Circles are found on steam rollers that crush things. Love TRIANGLES like in "Twilight". Triangles are also wedges that can split things apart. Does that make any of these shapes good or bad? You decide.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm...add a spot about "lines" to this post and you pretty much have the Deathly Hallows. Coincidence??
