
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Royal Mail Steamer Titanic

     102 years ago today at 2:20 in the morning the Royal Mail Steamer Titanic disappeared into the cold waters of the north Atlantic. She took with her 1,500 lives of men, women and children. She was sunk by colliding with an iceberg. Titanic was ordered to "hard a starboard" causing her to cut a large gash in her side, popping many rivets and taking on water quickly the water tight doors were ordered shut. The gash was much to long and too many compartments were flooded.
      People on the ship didn't know what was happening until the name "Titanic" on the bow was toughing the surface of the freezing water. There was only enough room on lifeboats for half of her passengers. Most life boats left half filled because people thought the ship was "unsinkable".
     Margret Tobin Brown was on lifeboat number 6 and threatened to throw quarter master Hitchens over board! Hitchens refused to turn back to find people still living saying they would only find "stiffs" and that was part of what upset Margret Tobin Brown so much.

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