
Thursday, April 24, 2014

My alphabet and word game

     Today in Biology I had to give an answer so I said "A as in Argentina." this statement received strange looks from my classmates because everyone is so used to "A as in Apple." Argentina was the very first thing that popped into my head and I'm feeling silly enough today to make an alphabet of the first things that pop into my head. The first row is the first thing that pops into my head that starts with that letter the second row is the first thing that pops into my head when I think of that word the third row is my one word thought on my one word thought (my thoughts on these things change all the time so this will be in accurate as soon as I move onto the next word probably).

A is for Argentina                    Spanish                                  language                           
B is for brown                          pudding                                  lemon
C is for chocolate                     Belgium                                  culture
D is for dog                              fetch                                        play
E is for eggs                             chicken                                    eat
F is for fire                               camp                                        ground
G is for grand                           hotel                                       lobby
H is for hospital                       sick                                         day
I is for ice cream                      CAKE!                                    frosting
J is for joy                               love                                           family
K is for Knit                            lion hat                                      fun
L is for lion                              Gryffindor                                 wins
M is for magic                         muggle                                       exasperation
N is for nargles                        Luna                                            moon
O is for open mind                  culture                                          food
P is for pain                           poppies                                           field
Q is for quasar                       space                                              planet
R is for ridiculous                 absurd                                            Snape
S is for slime                         sock                                                 elf
T is for time                          waste                                               rubbish
U is for umbrella                   bird                                                chirp
V is for vulture                      dead                                               cat
W is for whale                       Eaaooooeeeee (whale noise)         Dory
X is for xylophone                man                                                office
Y is for yell                           megaphone                                   air plane
Z is for zipper                        pants                                            feet

What do you think of when you think of the alphabet and then words? Do you also change your thoughts on the words and letters?


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