
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

    Something I cannot wait for is all of the snow we got this year to melt because winter is getting old. So for everyone who is tired of snow and slush I'd like to talk about spring type things.
     I would like to start by saying that a few weeks ago in world history class we read about tulipmania where the price of tulips skyrocketed in the Netherlands. I realized that  at the time Belgium or at least part of Belgium (it was hard to tell from the map in the text book) was part of the Netherlands so that peaked my interest. I went on to research more than was in the book and found out that in some places in the world like the Netherlands and even some place in Michigan there are tulip fields.
   I would love to visit a tulip field and experience the colors of the flowers. I hope that the bright colors of these pictures make you feel as happy as they make me!

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