
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Inspirational fictional characters!

     We do not give the characters we love enough credit in how we think and what we do. When was the last time you saw a wardrobe and wanted to find Narnia? How many times have you wished you could get the remote control with the force? Have you hummed "happy working song" as you worked on a project? How long have you been waiting for your Hogwarts letter? We all are affected by what we see but how often do we give our fictional role models a second thought when we say their catchphrase or act as we think they would in the same situation? Do we thank Lucy for finding Narnia or Obi-Wan for introducing us to the force? How often do we thank Snow White for the song or Dumbledore for the dream of that letter?
     I'd like to thank my fictional role models. Thank you:
  • Hermione Granger, for showing me that smart girls really can figure out anything they put their mind to.
  • Gadget from Chip and Dale Rescue rangers for showing me that girls can be helpful.
  • Luna Lovegood for teaching me to keep an open mind.
  • Lucy Pevensie for reminding me to never lose my curiosity.
  • Tintin for inspiring me to see the world.
  • Neville Longbottom for showing me to stick up for what I believe even in the hardest times. (and for being supermegafoxyawesomehot)
  • Violet Baudelaire for teaching me to think my way out of sticky situations.
  • Klaus Baudelaire for sharing the idea that being well read is one of the greatest talents.
  • Fred and George Weasley for teaching me to keep a sense of humor.
  • Schroder from the Peanuts for telling me keep to my own beat no matter what people say.
  • Steve from Blue's Clues for showing me that all I have to do is "think, think, think" and I can solve problems.
  • River and Simon Tam for showing me that love between siblings is one of the most important things one can have.
  • Bear of Bear in the Big Blue House for teaching me Dutch.
  • Sam- I- am for reminding me to try new things.
  • Hazel Grace Lancaster for reminding me that other people have worse health than I do and they get along just fine.
  • Mr. Noodle for teaching me that people can communicate without words or sign language.
  • Elsa for teaching me to "Let it Go"
  • Anna for showing me light heartedness
  • Kristoff for showing me that I really do need people no matter how cool chilling out with a reindeer all the time would be.
  • Merida for teaching me to stand up for myself.
  • Thompson and Thomson for giving me a laugh and having everything "under control".
  • Ginny Weasley for showing me to stick up for myself and show people who pick on me that picking on me isn't the best idea.
  • Arthur Weasley for showing me to have wonder in the world.
  • Little Critter for showing me to adapt.
  • Katniss Everdeen for just being awesome.
  • Velma for showing me that nerdy girls ROCK!
     I am very grateful for all of their lessons and might make the list longer later. I'd love to hear who inspired you in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't include a lot of your mentions, (and I don't know how to pull the actual image in), but this pic seemed appropriate.
