
Saturday, March 29, 2014

I love comments!

     I love comments because they let me know what I'm doing properly and what I need to improve on. I also love to hear if the topic of a post was interesting or if I should think of something else. I want to make a decent blog and I need your help to make it the best I can. Please let me know that I can make better or what I could add. I'll try my best to include your suggestions. Plus who wouldn't love to get their idea put into action? I want to hear what you think.

1 comment:

  1. When you were in my class, it was your creative thinking that always made me interested in what you had to say. It's what actually brought me to your blog and your invitation of course.

    Jolie you think differently than most, (I like that) and because you do, I would hope that you would also write differently and share different things from your own perspective.

    Help us all to learn from someone who sees things different, just as those who have come before you, who have also seen the world a little differently.
