
Friday, May 30, 2014

Feelin' teenagery

     Some days I feel more teenagery than others. You're probably asking "Jolie don't you feel teenagery all the time? YOU ARE A TEENAGER! What does that even mean?"
   When I say' "I'm feelin' teenagery" I mean that I feel like a stereotypical teenager. For example when I'm in a particularly good mood and am not worried about anything, when I feel young. I understand that I'm a young person and that EVERYONE  has gone through it and such I just feel that teenagers nowadays have something taken from them when they use "social" media instead of getting out of the house and being social.
     Well to me being a teenager means taking responsibility and also being young. Being a teenager IS making mistakes and suffering through trying to figure out emotions and trying to remember how to do the algebra homework. To me teenager is also staying up late to watch a concert streaming live just because its the TFIOS soundtrack and you ABSOLUTELY HAVE to watch it or you may just die of being a teen.    
     I used to think that being a teenager had a particular feeling and that being in high school started that feeling and that teenagers listen to one specific type of music. I now understand that teens are more diverse than very little children (or so it seems) and that teens listen to whatever type of music they want. I'm very glad that I get to experience "feelin' teenagery".

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