
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I love science!

Dear People who think I need a boyfriend,
     I am perfectly happy and am in a VERY serious relationship. That's right I'm in a relationship with science!
     Science is very smart and interesting. It can keep good conversations going and is always there to ask and answer questions. Science keeps me on my toes because I never know exactly what I'm going to get when I spend time with science, sure I have an idea of what might happen but sometimes the results of a study surprise me. Who knew that so many people write their eights in so many different ways!? Science is there to listen to my questions and encourage me to shoot for the moon, if I fail to hit the moon, there is always analyzing what went wrong and hitting it next time! Science is beautiful in the way it brings people from all over the world together to work for a common goal.
     Science may not be human but its all I need right now. Who needs a boyfriend at age fifteen anyway? If I'm happy with how I am I shouldn't be asked to change that.
                                                                                                                              Mrs. Science

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