
Saturday, October 25, 2014


     Hi everyone!
This post is going to kick off (hopefully) me being better at updating my blog. YAY! I've so much to say so I'm not sure where to start so I'll try to explain my current language.
     I'm glad that many people here speak English but it isn't helping me with my Dutch! Right now I can more or less (mostly less) understand Dutch and I'm getting better at speaking.
    I can get people to understand me in Dutch but that by no means says that I have any Dutch grammar! I want to think in Dutch but I haven't got the vocabulary I want to think in but I read children's books to help build my vocabulary so maybe I should pick out a few science books for 6 year olds and I'll be set. Or at least that's what I hope!
    I just need to have patience with myself! After all I didn't start speaking English in complex thoughts! At least I can now order a waffle in Dutch!(joke) Serious life skills if you spend a year in Belgium (end joke). The waffle ordeal started as a search for waffles on a field trip and resulted in me getting High 5ed because we all finally had waffles and I ordered mine by myself.
     People LOVE my accent although it is very strange. Not many Americans learn Dutch so no one really knows what to expect from an American accent. I laugh when people get me to talk just to hear my accent!
     Dutch words literally translated make more sense than English words do, ESPECIALLY chemistry words. For example: waterstof literally translates to "water stuff" but it is Hydrogen.
     Also words I thought were made up are real words. Ever read "Knuffle Bunny"? Knuffle is the word for a stuffed animal in Dutch!
     All this doesn't stop me from being a bit mad at myself when I want to say what I think but I want to do it in Dutch and I don't have a big enough speaking vocabulary to do so. 
     Learning Dutch is a bit like eating an apple. I first see the apple and understand that it is an apple, then I make the decision to eat the apple, next I take a bite of the apple I have to chew that bit of apple and swallow before I take the next bite.
     I'm still on my first (maybe second) bite of apple but soon enough I'll wish I still had an apple.
   Life is not like a box of chocolates it is more like eating an apple. With a box of chocolates you can look at the map on the back of the box and make a choice. If you pick up an apple though you never can be 100% sure what sort it is and if it has any worms in it. Maybe that apple is made out of plastic and you don't know because it's all the way across the room and you just have to get up from your chair to see but you're favorite show is on and you think the apple is plastic and you have enough time later to see but the cat knocks the bowl off the coffee table and the apple was plastic and the cat tears it apart by pouncing on it.

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