
Monday, August 25, 2014


     After having done the research I can officially say that going to Belgium is kinda like being able to go to Hogwarts for me! After reading about it for so long I can say that I know next to nothing about a lot of things in Belgium but am a super expert when it comes to Belgian trivia! 
I have so much that I can say but I dont know where to start! I've tried the top 3 foods I wanted to try; Fries, waffle, chocolate and can officially say that they are famous for a reason!
Everyone in Belgium is so nice and I like it here very much.
I had my "OH MY GOSH I'M IN BELGIUM" moment at the top of a cathederal in Mechelen(with the program) after climbing over 500 stairs and I could see the Atomium in the distance. I was so happy that I actually cried!
Also some students from Wallonia say that I am "a real Belgian" after they gave a quiz for their country presentation (you can guess whose team won ;) ) and they invited everyone in the room to dance to a Belgian song so I got up and danced and they put a Belgian flag with world cup stuff on it around my shoulders and said I was allowed to have the flag there because I knew my stuff. They also put face paint on me in Belgian flag pattern because they had it left over from the world cup. I was beyond happy! They even gave me a Belgium bracelet and that made me feel like I actually belonged here.
I know that not EVERYDAY isgoing to go as easily as it has so far but I also know that those days will pass and I will look back more on the good days than the bad. But for right now everything is "TOTALLY AWESOME!" I will try to get pictures up soon but am not sure how that will go.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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