
Monday, August 25, 2014


     After having done the research I can officially say that going to Belgium is kinda like being able to go to Hogwarts for me! After reading about it for so long I can say that I know next to nothing about a lot of things in Belgium but am a super expert when it comes to Belgian trivia! 
I have so much that I can say but I dont know where to start! I've tried the top 3 foods I wanted to try; Fries, waffle, chocolate and can officially say that they are famous for a reason!
Everyone in Belgium is so nice and I like it here very much.
I had my "OH MY GOSH I'M IN BELGIUM" moment at the top of a cathederal in Mechelen(with the program) after climbing over 500 stairs and I could see the Atomium in the distance. I was so happy that I actually cried!
Also some students from Wallonia say that I am "a real Belgian" after they gave a quiz for their country presentation (you can guess whose team won ;) ) and they invited everyone in the room to dance to a Belgian song so I got up and danced and they put a Belgian flag with world cup stuff on it around my shoulders and said I was allowed to have the flag there because I knew my stuff. They also put face paint on me in Belgian flag pattern because they had it left over from the world cup. I was beyond happy! They even gave me a Belgium bracelet and that made me feel like I actually belonged here.
I know that not EVERYDAY isgoing to go as easily as it has so far but I also know that those days will pass and I will look back more on the good days than the bad. But for right now everything is "TOTALLY AWESOME!" I will try to get pictures up soon but am not sure how that will go.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Friday, August 15, 2014

On my way!

    This is the second craziest thing I've ever done! The first was being born.
     All I can really think is AHHHHHHHH. This is both an excited exclamation and a bit of a scared/sad one. It's hard leaving your family in an airport.
   Ah well! "I'm on my way"!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

How I feel.

     It is the strangest feeling I've ever had! The day feels normal even though I know my life is going to change very soon. It seems a bit eerie to me actually, like the water is perfect but who knows what's lurking in the depths?
     I know that I will have a wonderful time and that everything will be fine although I can't help but be a little nervous.  I've been thinking of much more random stuff than normal just to keep myself from freaking out about the entire situation.
     I've got a few things left to do and I'll be all set! The excitement and curiosity outweigh the nervousness or fear. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


     Today two things reminded me of World History.  1) I got the movie Valkyrie from the library. The second is the fact that the internet had a picture of a waffle monster! It just made my day!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Proof that my sister is a monster.

      Please note that I love my sisters very much and we did not set this picture up on purpose. She walked into the picture at the perfect moment.


Monday, August 4, 2014

What's up?

      I'm waiting for my visa to come. I already have my flight information all I need is my visa and to pack.
     Other than packing and waiting for my visa I think I'm all set. I had a going away party and that was all sorts of fun and a lot of family showed up. I even got some friends to show up!
     I'm sorry that I've been posting short updates recently, I haven't had much else to say let alone much time to type it. I will be updating when I can. I will also try to update as I'm traveling on the 15th and 16th to let you know how my flights are going but those if I do post as I travel will be very short and similar to what one would post on Face book.