
Friday, October 9, 2015

Goood Morning!

I finished my work early  in Chinese today so I thought I'd wish y'all a great morning/afternoon/evening depending on where you live. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Things I learned today

Little host brothers don't like it when you give them lemon juice on a spoon.
Brown eggs do NOT dye well.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Things I write in my journal

     Ever since my second day in Belgium I have been keeping a journal. Let's get this straight: it's a JOURNAL NOT A DIARY!
     I've started looking at the journal as a way to see how my exchange has been going and am glad that I started soon in my exchange so I can really see how my moods change day to day and things like that. 
     Naturally I won't share EVERYTHING I wrote in these books but a few Jolie quotes won't hurt.
  • The thing I love most about myself is that I am: completely, totally, unapologetically myself in a world that makes that hard. (19-12-14)
  • I'm just gonna try to not think about how my future is looking about good byes because ....... was kinda the first after ....... and I just can't stand the thought of never seeing (these people) again. (15-12-14)
  • I NEED to read some Harry Potter! It is the ONLY way I can think of to calm down a bit and get a handel on my emotions...What would Hermione do? First she would focus on everything that she knows. Then she would do everything she can to get the information she wants and extra information. IF she then couldn't solve her problem she could at least make it better. (basically me writing out the scientific method later) I CAN'T get petrified now!... it is "rediculous" to get too worried until I find out more information. After all ..... says I am "The nerd of nerds" so I have to act more like it! Hermione may spend all night pouring over books but even she has to sleep sometime! I will try to find my answer best I can. (12-12-14)

                                                          TO BE CONTINUED
(appearently I started writing this post a while ago and these quotes all come from being in the first host family. Better to post a small something something than nothing at all I figure)

More to come:

     I am so sorry I have been aweful about updating this blog. I suppose I always have my journal to rely on if I have to resort to just telling the entire story when I get back.
I hopefully will get pictures from my trip to Paris up. 
     I must admit that in some ways its nice to keep forgetting to update my blog because it is less to have to remember to do. This in no way lessens my being a despicable human being though.
    Seriously good thing that my journal is very detailed.

Friday, January 30, 2015


Dear Jolie,
     Remember how in kindergarden when you would tell the teacher you wanted to be an explorer when you grow up? You were imagining a safari hat and binoculars. You were going to wander through rain forests and canoe the Amazon river. Did you know being an explorer never waited that long?
     You have always been exploring! From discovering your own feet to exploring that fishin' spot we all love so dearly. You explore by the books you pour over and (well I will let Mr. Hubble do the talking here) "Equipt with his five sences man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science."
     Well. You certainly are on one of your grandest adventures yet! From this experience you will learn so much. Learning isn't always easy but I know you can do it.
     I want you to know how proud of you I am and how much I love you but that seems a bit too self indulgent. Instead of that I will continue to push you. I will push you through every stupid decission and every brilloant idea because in the end they really are one and the same. I am going to push you to your breaking point, watch you snap and let you make yourself stronger.
     Turns out you cannot bottle emotion or moments. Let it all happen and work with what you have.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


     I had to move host families but am feeling much better in my new placement. I guess I can say I sure learned a lot from that experience and did leave with good friends.
     It is harder to adjust to a new school for the second time but I think I will like this new school just fine. I am now studying something I chose (science) and am in a class with 3 boys. There are four people in the class.
     Things are looking up for me now.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

My obsurvation on life today:
"You don't know what you have until it is gone" is a LIE!
   You know EXACTLY what you have. You just don't know what it means to you or you take it for granted OR you even grow so used to it you don't think to think of anyother way.
     I had a nice day and am doing well but I couldn't help but think.