
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tyne Cot Cemetery

I just can't quite explain the feeling I got from Tyne Cot Cemetery.
Walking in a woman was standing in front of a memorial telling us about her great grandfather (or how ever many greats and male family member it was) and how important  that memorial was to her. It was then when I got a better idea of where I am from and what this cemetery meant to other people.
     As far as I know I have no one to mourn in that cemetery but so many other people did. I saw many graves for a British or Canadian man but not one for an American. It made a bigger impression on me than I think I can explain. Most of the graves looked like this:
"Known unto God"
Those words had a HUGE impact on me.
I began to think of the man in the grave who was Dad or Uncle or Mr... to someone. The man who was loved. I thought of the families who loved that man and I thought of his friends.
The fact that I had never seen an American grave in the cemetery gave me an even bigger feeling of "This person doesn't really mean anything to me but to someone else he could have been everything"

Tyne Cot Cemetery and Ypres pictures